45 F
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Governor Glenn Youngkin Unveils "Virginia Has Jobs" Initiative: An Open Door to New Opportunities

Today, Governor Glenn Youngkin announced the launch of “Virginia Has Jobs”, a bold effort designed to further unleash the Commonwealth’s economic strength by connecting Virginia’s tremendous job opportunities with a robust and talented workforce.

Unlikely allies unite for probation reform, but Youngkin has final say

Virginia’s criminal justice future is shaking up the status quo. In a departure from tradition, a probation reform bill is uniting unlikely allies across party lines.

General Assembly passes bill giving schools more say on classroom phone rules

Virginia school boards may soon have more control over how cell phones and smart devices are governed in classrooms.

Stafford County

Democrats seize on enthusiasm gap in 2025 Virginia House races

Stephen Miller-Pitts is making his second bid to unseat Republican Del. Carrie Coyner in the 75th House District, which includes parts of Chesterfield and Prince George counties and the...

Free Speech Will Never Be Free

The concept of unrestricted speech, often referred to as "free speech," is a cornerstone...

Embracing Community: Celebrating the Spirit of Ramadan and of Lent

As the sacred journey of Ramadan continues, a time of reflection, fasting, and community,...

Congressional Democrats including Suhas Subramanyam Unanimously Vote Against Protection of Women and Girls in Sports

In a highly contentious Senate vote earlier this week, all present Congressional Democrats stood united in opposition to the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, a Republican-led bill aimed at barring transgender women and girls from participating in federally funded school athletic programs designated for female athletes.

University of Virginia Dissolves DEI Office

The University of Virginia Board of Visitors has passed a resolution dissolving its Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Community Partnerships and ordering an audit of university policies and programs to ensure they are in compliance with the Equal Protection Clause of U.S. Constitution.

Virginia to address Teacher Shortages and Launches Bridging the Gap Initiative

Governor Glenn Youngkin announced today new measures to address teacher shortages and recover learning loss. Joined by local superintendents, school board members, state legislators, students, teachers, and parents, Governor Youngkin signed Executive Directive Three: Addressing Teacher Shortages in Virginia Schools and launched the Bridging the Gap Initiative at Colonial Forge High School in Stafford County.

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