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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Unlikely allies unite for probation reform, but Youngkin has final say

Virginia’s criminal justice future is shaking up the status quo. In a departure from tradition, a probation reform bill is uniting unlikely allies across party lines.

Governor Glenn Youngkin Unveils "Virginia Has Jobs" Initiative: An Open Door to New Opportunities

Today, Governor Glenn Youngkin announced the launch of “Virginia Has Jobs”, a bold effort designed to further unleash the Commonwealth’s economic strength by connecting Virginia’s tremendous job opportunities with a robust and talented workforce.

General Assembly passes bill giving schools more say on classroom phone rules

Virginia school boards may soon have more control over how cell phones and smart devices are governed in classrooms.

Gen Z: Put Your Hand to the Plow

This is part 3 of a three-part series on Gen Z.

“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’  These words from Jesus (Luke 9:62) are a constant reminder that we must always be working with vigilance toward a purpose and life worthy of the kingdom. In my previous article, I alluded to the fears of a generation lost, and now would like to offer some advice on how to truly step out onto the field. 

Standing with Heroes

Part of what was so damaging to my generation was a loss of identity; true identity, not the fleeting, damaging identity of today’s ideologues. No, the identity I am referring to is that little voice in your head that something is not right, that this postmodern world is missing something critical. 

There is a longing for something seemingly long lost, but if you turn to the Western literary classics, you’ll find that it never left. It was simply buried under boring English assignments and “critical-theory” professors who worry about “dead white men” and trigger warnings. 

Returning to the classics was one of the single most gratifying experiences of my life. It inspires you, reminds you of a reminiscent identity. C.S. Lewis writes in The Abolition of Man that “we make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise.” How can we call on the honor of men if the very definition was lost to us? There is no better reason to start indulging in the Western Canon. 

Step out onto the field of battle with Achilles and Hector; learn what glory is. Unravel life’s mysteries with Hamlet, marvel at the clash of angels and demons with Adam. I believe this, more than anything, is the first step. Don’t become the “sunshine” warrior, moving whim to whim with nothing to cling to. Stand on the shoulders of the West’s greatest heroes and embrace something eternal.

One Nation, Under God

President Trump sits in the White House once again because of one core principle that rang out amidst all the talk on immigration, inflation and transgenderism; a return to common sense. 

That simple creed was so lost that an unlikely coalition of tired but resilient citizens voted ‘no’ against a Harris term. That’s how powerful common sense really is. But as we usher in an “era of common sense,” we can no longer put off the fact of God’s existence. This is not a fanatical view uncoupled from reality. The greatest political minds throughout history understood this, our Founders included. The father of modern conservatism, Edmund Burke, writes,

“He who gave us our nature to be perfected by our virtue, willed also the necessary means of its perfection – He willed therefore the state. – He willed its connexion with the source and original archetype of all perfection.”

It is so interwoven into the very fabricate of our lives that we can no longer ignore His presence. There is a reason that Bible sales are up and places of worship are seeing a resurgence, particularly in young men. It is not a coincidence that there is a longing for religion and tradition once more.

This is by no means an attempt at conversion and my intention is especially not to point you toward a specific denomination. I do nonetheless believe this is an important step for those in my generation. 

At one point in history, faith in God was the central point of a functioning society, particularly at the local level. It was a place where you not only worshipped God, but fostered a tightly-knit community. 

Now with the places of worship removed from the center-point in our lives and the phone demanding our undivided attention, we are not even connected to our neighbors. This is why I ask you to find a place of worship; to find for yourself a community that is aimed upward and toward virtue. On a practical level, this will force you to leave your house at least once a week and to be around real people. 

Watchmen on the Wall

At this point some of you may be growing weary, having already established a community and immersed yourself in the Western Canon. If so, I commend you; it took quite a lot of mistakes and the constant, ever-forgiving love of God to get me to the point I’m at now. It’s why I felt compelled to start with these basic steps. Now that we are here though, now that you have built yourself up and a community around you, the question has to be asked; are you willing to stand up and protect that community?

While the question feels dramatic, it is critical. We’ve seen how quickly it can all go away; how persistent and invasive a leftist ideology can be. We cannot let recent history repeat. I do not mean that everyone must devote endless hours campaigning or running for office, but everyone must at least stay ever vigilant and cognizant of what is happening in our community. 

Aristotle makes the point that we are political animals; society is a core feature of our humanity. We can’t just ignore it, letting it go by passively while we mind our own lives. I’d encourage you to find one of the many meetings or hearings of our elected representatives and speak up. To actually look up the names you see on those political yard signs and really learn who these politicians are and what they stand for. And above all I’d encourage you to vote every single time. 

But I understand that for many of you such daunting tasks may be too much to bear alone. My last recommendation is therefore to combine all of the above steps by joining a community of politically like-minded individuals. 

It’s with a growing coalition of young voices that we can make real change. We can no longer afford to be the small group tucked in a corner, fearful of the ever-watching leftist eye. We must stand proud and convicted, engaging in the hard conversations, speaking loudly at school board and committee council meetings. 

While things have changed, the fight is not over. Understand that in the eyes of the postmodern, God is dead, and by removing Him from the world they have made politics and ideology their sacred cow. We cannot be afraid to knock down this idol. 

We still live in a blue county, but many vote Democrat out of habit more than conviction. A clear and concise stance of a young generation can help lead Loudoun County into a true realignment.

Wars are fought by the young. Our age is one of our greatest strengths. The spirit of the West lives on through all of us, and the torch has been passed down. So, step out onto the field. Donate your time and your talents to help shape the future; building a county, state, and country that we can be proud of and cherish dearly. Reach out to the email below to get connected to me and a growing coalition of young conservatives. 

Contact: info@loudoungop.com

Nathan Lippincott is a Gen Z resident of Loudoun County.  His previous two articles can be found at: Letter to a Generation Lost: Gen Z Reconnecting to the Local Community and The Most Important Step.


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